^ null
^ null
^ null
^ null
Symfony Profiler
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel ;
use Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\LazyProxy\Instantiator\RuntimeInstantiator ;
use Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\ProxyDumper ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\ConfigCache ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\DelegatingLoader ;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderResolver ;
use Symfony\Component\Debug\DebugClassLoader as LegacyDebugClassLoader ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\PassConfig ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper\PhpDumper ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\ClosureLoader ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\DirectoryLoader ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\GlobFileLoader ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\IniFileLoader ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\PhpFileLoader ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\XmlFileLoader ;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\YamlFileLoader ;
use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\DebugClassLoader ;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\BundleInterface ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Config\FileLocator ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\AddAnnotatedClassesToCachePass ;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\MergeExtensionConfigurationPass ;
* The Kernel is the heart of the Symfony system.
* It manages an environment made of bundles.
* Environment names must always start with a letter and
* they must only contain letters and numbers.
* @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
abstract class Kernel implements KernelInterface , RebootableInterface , TerminableInterface
* @var BundleInterface[]
protected $bundles = [];
protected $container ;
* @deprecated since Symfony 4.2
protected $rootDir ;
protected $environment ;
protected $debug ;
protected $booted = false ;
* @deprecated since Symfony 4.2
protected $name ;
protected $startTime ;
private $projectDir ;
private $warmupDir ;
private $requestStackSize = 0 ;
private $resetServices = false ;
private static $freshCache = [];
public const VERSION = '4.4.41' ;
public const VERSION_ID = 40441 ;
public const MAJOR_VERSION = 4 ;
public const MINOR_VERSION = 4 ;
public const RELEASE_VERSION = 41 ;
public const EXTRA_VERSION = '' ;
public const END_OF_MAINTENANCE = '11/2022' ;
public const END_OF_LIFE = '11/2023' ;
public function __construct ( string $environment , bool $debug )
$this -> environment = $environment ;
$this -> debug = $debug ;
$this -> rootDir = $this -> getRootDir ( false );
$this -> name = $this -> getName ( false );
public function __clone ()
$this -> booted = false ;
$this -> container = null ;
$this -> requestStackSize = 0 ;
$this -> resetServices = false ;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function boot ()
if ( true === $this -> booted ) {
if (! $this -> requestStackSize && $this -> resetServices ) {
if ( $this -> container -> has ( 'services_resetter' )) {
$this -> container -> get ( 'services_resetter' )-> reset ();
$this -> resetServices = false ;
if ( $this -> debug ) {
$this -> startTime = microtime ( true );
if ( $this -> debug ) {
$this -> startTime = microtime ( true );
if ( $this -> debug && !isset( $_ENV [ 'SHELL_VERBOSITY' ]) && !isset( $_SERVER [ 'SHELL_VERBOSITY' ])) {
putenv ( 'SHELL_VERBOSITY=3' );
// init bundles
$this -> initializeBundles ();
// init container
$this -> initializeContainer ();
foreach ( $this -> getBundles () as $bundle ) {
$bundle -> setContainer ( $this -> container );
$bundle -> boot ();
$this -> booted = true ;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function reboot ( $warmupDir )
$this -> shutdown ();
$this -> warmupDir = $warmupDir ;
$this -> boot ();
* {@inheritdoc}
public function terminate ( Request $request , Response $response )
if ( false === $this -> booted ) {
if ( $this -> getHttpKernel () instanceof TerminableInterface ) {
$this -> getHttpKernel ()-> terminate ( $request , $response );
* {@inheritdoc}
public function shutdown ()
if ( false === $this -> booted ) {
$this -> booted = false ;
foreach ( $this -> getBundles () as $bundle ) {
$bundle -> shutdown ();
$bundle -> setContainer ( null );
$this -> container = null ;
$this -> requestStackSize = 0 ;
$this -> resetServices = false ;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function handle ( Request $request , $type = HttpKernelInterface :: MASTER_REQUEST , $catch = true )
$this -> boot ();
++ $this -> requestStackSize ;
$this -> resetServices = true ;
try {
return $this -> getHttpKernel ()-> handle ( $request , $type , $catch );
} finally {
-- $this -> requestStackSize ;
* Gets an HTTP kernel from the container.
* @return HttpKernelInterface
protected function getHttpKernel ()
return $this -> container -> get ( 'http_kernel' );
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getBundles ()
return $this -> bundles ;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getBundle ( $name )
if (!isset( $this -> bundles [ $name ])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Bundle "%s" does not exist or it is not enabled. Maybe you forgot to add it in the "registerBundles()" method of your "%s.php" file?' , $name , get_debug_type ( $this )));
return $this -> bundles [ $name ];
* {@inheritdoc}
public function locateResource ( $name /*, $dir = null, $first = true, $triggerDeprecation = true*/ )
if ( 2 <= \func_num_args ()) {
$dir = func_get_arg ( 1 );
$first = 3 <= \func_num_args () ? func_get_arg ( 2 ) : true ;
if ( 4 !== \func_num_args () || func_get_arg ( 3 )) {
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'Passing more than one argument to %s is deprecated since Symfony 4.4 and will be removed in 5.0.' , __METHOD__ ), \E_USER_DEPRECATED );
} else {
$dir = null ;
$first = true ;
if ( '@' !== $name [ 0 ]) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'A resource name must start with @ ("%s" given).' , $name ));
if ( str_contains ( $name , '..' )) {
throw new \RuntimeException ( sprintf ( 'File name "%s" contains invalid characters (..).' , $name ));
$bundleName = substr ( $name , 1 );
$path = '' ;
if ( str_contains ( $bundleName , '/' )) {
[ $bundleName , $path ] = explode ( '/' , $bundleName , 2 );
$isResource = str_starts_with ( $path , 'Resources' ) && null !== $dir ;
$overridePath = substr ( $path , 9 );
$bundle = $this -> getBundle ( $bundleName );
$files = [];
if ( $isResource && file_exists ( $file = $dir . '/' . $bundle -> getName (). $overridePath )) {
$files [] = $file ;
// see https://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/override.html on how to overwrite parts of a bundle
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'Overwriting the resource "%s" with "%s" is deprecated since Symfony 4.4 and will be removed in 5.0.' , $name , $file ), \E_USER_DEPRECATED );
if ( file_exists ( $file = $bundle -> getPath (). '/' . $path )) {
if ( $first && ! $isResource ) {
return $file ;
$files [] = $file ;
if ( \count ( $files ) > 0 ) {
return $first && $isResource ? $files [ 0 ] : $files ;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'Unable to find file "%s".' , $name ));
* {@inheritdoc}
* @deprecated since Symfony 4.2
public function getName ( /* $triggerDeprecation = true */ )
if ( 0 === \func_num_args () || func_get_arg ( 0 )) {
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'The "%s()" method is deprecated since Symfony 4.2.' , __METHOD__ ), \E_USER_DEPRECATED );
if ( null === $this -> name ) {
$this -> name = preg_replace ( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/' , '' , basename ( $this -> rootDir ));
if ( ctype_digit ( $this -> name [ 0 ])) {
$this -> name = '_' . $this -> name ;
return $this -> name ;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getEnvironment ()
return $this -> environment ;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isDebug ()
return $this -> debug ;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @deprecated since Symfony 4.2, use getProjectDir() instead
public function getRootDir ( /* $triggerDeprecation = true */ )
if ( 0 === \func_num_args () || func_get_arg ( 0 )) {
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'The "%s()" method is deprecated since Symfony 4.2, use getProjectDir() instead.' , __METHOD__ ), \E_USER_DEPRECATED );
if ( null === $this -> rootDir ) {
$r = new \ReflectionObject ( $this );
$this -> rootDir = \dirname ( $r -> getFileName ());
return $this -> rootDir ;
* Gets the application root dir (path of the project's composer file).
* @return string The project root dir
public function getProjectDir ()
if ( null === $this -> projectDir ) {
$r = new \ReflectionObject ( $this );
if (! file_exists ( $dir = $r -> getFileName ())) {
throw new \LogicException ( sprintf ( 'Cannot auto-detect project dir for kernel of class "%s".' , $r -> name ));
$dir = $rootDir = \dirname ( $dir );
while (! file_exists ( $dir . '/composer.json' )) {
if ( $dir === \dirname ( $dir )) {
return $this -> projectDir = $rootDir ;
$dir = \dirname ( $dir );
$this -> projectDir = $dir ;
return $this -> projectDir ;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getContainer ()
if (! $this -> container ) {
@ trigger_error ( 'Getting the container from a non-booted kernel is deprecated since Symfony 4.4.' , \E_USER_DEPRECATED );
return $this -> container ;
* @internal
public function setAnnotatedClassCache (array $annotatedClasses )
file_put_contents (( $this -> warmupDir ?: $this -> getCacheDir ()). '/annotations.map' , sprintf ( '<?php return %s;' , var_export ( $annotatedClasses , true )));
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getStartTime ()
return $this -> debug && null !== $this -> startTime ? $this -> startTime : - \INF ;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getCacheDir ()
return $this -> getProjectDir (). '/var/cache/' . $this -> environment ;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getLogDir ()
return $this -> getProjectDir (). '/var/log' ;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getCharset ()
return 'UTF-8' ;
* Gets the patterns defining the classes to parse and cache for annotations.
public function getAnnotatedClassesToCompile (): array
return [];
* Initializes bundles.
* @throws \LogicException if two bundles share a common name
protected function initializeBundles ()
// init bundles
$this -> bundles = [];
foreach ( $this -> registerBundles () as $bundle ) {
$name = $bundle -> getName ();
if (isset( $this -> bundles [ $name ])) {
throw new \LogicException ( sprintf ( 'Trying to register two bundles with the same name "%s".' , $name ));
$this -> bundles [ $name ] = $bundle ;
* The extension point similar to the Bundle::build() method.
* Use this method to register compiler passes and manipulate the container during the building process.
protected function build ( ContainerBuilder $container )
* Gets the container class.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the generated classname is invalid
* @return string The container class
protected function getContainerClass ()
$class = static::class;
$class = str_contains ( $class , "@anonymous\0" ) ? get_parent_class ( $class ). str_replace ( '.' , '_' , ContainerBuilder :: hash ( $class )) : $class ;
$class = $this -> name . str_replace ( '\\' , '_' , $class ). ucfirst ( $this -> environment ).( $this -> debug ? 'Debug' : '' ). 'Container' ;
if (! preg_match ( '/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/' , $class )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( sprintf ( 'The environment "%s" contains invalid characters, it can only contain characters allowed in PHP class names.' , $this -> environment ));
return $class ;
* Gets the container's base class.
* All names except Container must be fully qualified.
* @return string
protected function getContainerBaseClass ()
return 'Container' ;
* Initializes the service container.
* The cached version of the service container is used when fresh, otherwise the
* container is built.
protected function initializeContainer ()
$class = $this -> getContainerClass ();
$cacheDir = $this -> warmupDir ?: $this -> getCacheDir ();
$cache = new ConfigCache ( $cacheDir . '/' . $class . '.php' , $this -> debug );
$cachePath = $cache -> getPath ();
// Silence E_WARNING to ignore "include" failures - don't use "@" to prevent silencing fatal errors
$errorLevel = error_reporting ( \E_ALL ^ \E_WARNING );
try {
if ( file_exists ( $cachePath ) && \is_object ( $this -> container = include $cachePath )
&& (! $this -> debug || ( self :: $freshCache [ $cachePath ] ?? $cache -> isFresh ()))
) {
self :: $freshCache [ $cachePath ] = true ;
$this -> container -> set ( 'kernel' , $this );
error_reporting ( $errorLevel );
} catch ( \Throwable $e ) {
$oldContainer = \is_object ( $this -> container ) ? new \ReflectionClass ( $this -> container ) : $this -> container = null ;
try {
is_dir ( $cacheDir ) ?: mkdir ( $cacheDir , 0777 , true );
if ( $lock = fopen ( $cachePath . '.lock' , 'w' )) {
if (! flock ( $lock , \LOCK_EX | \LOCK_NB , $wouldBlock ) && ! flock ( $lock , $wouldBlock ? \LOCK_SH : \LOCK_EX )) {
fclose ( $lock );
$lock = null ;
} elseif (! is_file ( $cachePath ) || ! \is_object ( $this -> container = include $cachePath )) {
$this -> container = null ;
} elseif (! $oldContainer || \get_class ( $this -> container ) !== $oldContainer -> name ) {
flock ( $lock , \LOCK_UN );
fclose ( $lock );
$this -> container -> set ( 'kernel' , $this );
} catch ( \Throwable $e ) {
} finally {
error_reporting ( $errorLevel );
if ( $collectDeprecations = $this -> debug && ! \defined ( 'PHPUNIT_COMPOSER_INSTALL' )) {
$collectedLogs = [];
$previousHandler = set_error_handler (function ( $type , $message , $file , $line ) use (& $collectedLogs , & $previousHandler ) {
if ( \E_USER_DEPRECATED !== $type && \E_DEPRECATED !== $type ) {
return $previousHandler ? $previousHandler ( $type , $message , $file , $line ) : false ;
if (isset( $collectedLogs [ $message ])) {
++ $collectedLogs [ $message ][ 'count' ];
return null ;
$backtrace = debug_backtrace ( \DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS , 5 );
// Clean the trace by removing first frames added by the error handler itself.
for ( $i = 0 ; isset( $backtrace [ $i ]); ++ $i ) {
if (isset( $backtrace [ $i ][ 'file' ], $backtrace [ $i ][ 'line' ]) && $backtrace [ $i ][ 'line' ] === $line && $backtrace [ $i ][ 'file' ] === $file ) {
$backtrace = \array_slice ( $backtrace , 1 + $i );
// Remove frames added by DebugClassLoader.
for ( $i = \count ( $backtrace ) - 2 ; 0 < $i ; -- $i ) {
if ( \in_array ( $backtrace [ $i ][ 'class' ] ?? null , [ DebugClassLoader ::class, LegacyDebugClassLoader ::class], true )) {
$backtrace = [ $backtrace [ $i + 1 ]];
$collectedLogs [ $message ] = [
'type' => $type ,
'message' => $message ,
'file' => $file ,
'line' => $line ,
'trace' => [ $backtrace [ 0 ]],
'count' => 1 ,
return null ;
try {
$container = null ;
$container = $this -> buildContainer ();
$container -> compile ();
} finally {
if ( $collectDeprecations ) {
restore_error_handler ();
@ file_put_contents ( $cacheDir . '/' . $class . 'Deprecations.log' , serialize ( array_values ( $collectedLogs )));
@ file_put_contents ( $cacheDir . '/' . $class . 'Compiler.log' , null !== $container ? implode ( "\n" , $container -> getCompiler ()-> getLog ()) : '' );
$this -> dumpContainer ( $cache , $container , $class , $this -> getContainerBaseClass ());
if ( $lock ) {
flock ( $lock , \LOCK_UN );
fclose ( $lock );
$this -> container = require $cachePath ;
$this -> container -> set ( 'kernel' , $this );
if ( $oldContainer && \get_class ( $this -> container ) !== $oldContainer -> name ) {
// Because concurrent requests might still be using them,
// old container files are not removed immediately,
// but on a next dump of the container.
static $legacyContainers = [];
$oldContainerDir = \dirname ( $oldContainer -> getFileName ());
$legacyContainers [ $oldContainerDir . '.legacy' ] = true ;
foreach ( glob ( \dirname ( $oldContainerDir ). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.legacy' , \GLOB_NOSORT ) as $legacyContainer ) {
if (!isset( $legacyContainers [ $legacyContainer ]) && @ unlink ( $legacyContainer )) {
(new Filesystem ())-> remove ( substr ( $legacyContainer , 0 , - 7 ));
touch ( $oldContainerDir . '.legacy' );
if ( $this -> container -> has ( 'cache_warmer' )) {
$this -> container -> get ( 'cache_warmer' )-> warmUp ( $this -> container -> getParameter ( 'kernel.cache_dir' ));
* Returns the kernel parameters.
* @return array An array of kernel parameters
protected function getKernelParameters ()
$bundles = [];
$bundlesMetadata = [];
foreach ( $this -> bundles as $name => $bundle ) {
$bundles [ $name ] = \get_class ( $bundle );
$bundlesMetadata [ $name ] = [
'path' => $bundle -> getPath (),
'namespace' => $bundle -> getNamespace (),
return [
* @deprecated since Symfony 4.2, use kernel.project_dir instead
'kernel.root_dir' => realpath ( $this -> rootDir ) ?: $this -> rootDir ,
'kernel.project_dir' => realpath ( $this -> getProjectDir ()) ?: $this -> getProjectDir (),
'kernel.environment' => $this -> environment ,
'kernel.debug' => $this -> debug ,
* @deprecated since Symfony 4.2
'kernel.name' => $this -> name ,
'kernel.cache_dir' => realpath ( $cacheDir = $this -> warmupDir ?: $this -> getCacheDir ()) ?: $cacheDir ,
'kernel.logs_dir' => realpath ( $this -> getLogDir ()) ?: $this -> getLogDir (),
'kernel.bundles' => $bundles ,
'kernel.bundles_metadata' => $bundlesMetadata ,
'kernel.charset' => $this -> getCharset (),
'kernel.container_class' => $this -> getContainerClass (),
* Builds the service container.
* @return ContainerBuilder The compiled service container
* @throws \RuntimeException
protected function buildContainer ()
foreach ([ 'cache' => $this -> warmupDir ?: $this -> getCacheDir (), 'logs' => $this -> getLogDir ()] as $name => $dir ) {
if (! is_dir ( $dir )) {
if ( false === @ mkdir ( $dir , 0777 , true ) && ! is_dir ( $dir )) {
throw new \RuntimeException ( sprintf ( 'Unable to create the "%s" directory (%s).' , $name , $dir ));
} elseif (! is_writable ( $dir )) {
throw new \RuntimeException ( sprintf ( 'Unable to write in the "%s" directory (%s).' , $name , $dir ));
$container = $this -> getContainerBuilder ();
$container -> addObjectResource ( $this );
$this -> prepareContainer ( $container );
if ( null !== $cont = $this -> registerContainerConfiguration ( $this -> getContainerLoader ( $container ))) {
$container -> merge ( $cont );
$container -> addCompilerPass (new AddAnnotatedClassesToCachePass ( $this ));
return $container ;
* Prepares the ContainerBuilder before it is compiled.
protected function prepareContainer ( ContainerBuilder $container )
$extensions = [];
foreach ( $this -> bundles as $bundle ) {
if ( $extension = $bundle -> getContainerExtension ()) {
$container -> registerExtension ( $extension );
if ( $this -> debug ) {
$container -> addObjectResource ( $bundle );
foreach ( $this -> bundles as $bundle ) {
$bundle -> build ( $container );
$this -> build ( $container );
foreach ( $container -> getExtensions () as $extension ) {
$extensions [] = $extension -> getAlias ();
// ensure these extensions are implicitly loaded
$container -> getCompilerPassConfig ()-> setMergePass (new MergeExtensionConfigurationPass ( $extensions ));
* Gets a new ContainerBuilder instance used to build the service container.
* @return ContainerBuilder
protected function getContainerBuilder ()
$container = new ContainerBuilder ();
$container -> getParameterBag ()-> add ( $this -> getKernelParameters ());
if ( $this instanceof CompilerPassInterface ) {
$container -> addCompilerPass ( $this , PassConfig :: TYPE_BEFORE_OPTIMIZATION , - 10000 );
if ( class_exists ( \ProxyManager\Configuration ::class) && class_exists ( RuntimeInstantiator ::class)) {
$container -> setProxyInstantiator (new RuntimeInstantiator ());
return $container ;
* Dumps the service container to PHP code in the cache.
* @param string $class The name of the class to generate
* @param string $baseClass The name of the container's base class
protected function dumpContainer ( ConfigCache $cache , ContainerBuilder $container , $class , $baseClass )
// cache the container
$dumper = new PhpDumper ( $container );
if ( class_exists ( \ProxyManager\Configuration ::class) && class_exists ( ProxyDumper ::class)) {
$dumper -> setProxyDumper (new ProxyDumper ());
$content = $dumper -> dump ([
'class' => $class ,
'base_class' => $baseClass ,
'file' => $cache -> getPath (),
'as_files' => true ,
'debug' => $this -> debug ,
'build_time' => $container -> hasParameter ( 'kernel.container_build_time' ) ? $container -> getParameter ( 'kernel.container_build_time' ) : time (),
'preload_classes' => array_map ( 'get_class' , $this -> bundles ),
$rootCode = array_pop ( $content );
$dir = \dirname ( $cache -> getPath ()). '/' ;
$fs = new Filesystem ();
foreach ( $content as $file => $code ) {
$fs -> dumpFile ( $dir . $file , $code );
@ chmod ( $dir . $file , 0666 & ~ umask ());
$legacyFile = \dirname ( $dir . key ( $content )). '.legacy' ;
if ( file_exists ( $legacyFile )) {
@ unlink ( $legacyFile );
$cache -> write ( $rootCode , $container -> getResources ());
* Returns a loader for the container.
* @return DelegatingLoader The loader
protected function getContainerLoader ( ContainerInterface $container )
$locator = new FileLocator ( $this );
$resolver = new LoaderResolver ([
new XmlFileLoader ( $container , $locator ),
new YamlFileLoader ( $container , $locator ),
new IniFileLoader ( $container , $locator ),
new PhpFileLoader ( $container , $locator ),
new GlobFileLoader ( $container , $locator ),
new DirectoryLoader ( $container , $locator ),
new ClosureLoader ( $container ),
return new DelegatingLoader ( $resolver );
* Removes comments from a PHP source string.
* We don't use the PHP php_strip_whitespace() function
* as we want the content to be readable and well-formatted.
* @param string $source A PHP string
* @return string The PHP string with the comments removed
public static function stripComments ( $source )
if (! \function_exists ( 'token_get_all' )) {
return $source ;
$rawChunk = '' ;
$output = '' ;
$tokens = token_get_all ( $source );
$ignoreSpace = false ;
for ( $i = 0 ; isset( $tokens [ $i ]); ++ $i ) {
$token = $tokens [ $i ];
if (!isset( $token [ 1 ]) || 'b"' === $token ) {
$rawChunk .= $token ;
} elseif ( \T_START_HEREDOC === $token [ 0 ]) {
$output .= $rawChunk . $token [ 1 ];
do {
$token = $tokens [++ $i ];
$output .= isset( $token [ 1 ]) && 'b"' !== $token ? $token [ 1 ] : $token ;
} while ( \T_END_HEREDOC !== $token [ 0 ]);
$rawChunk = '' ;
} elseif ( \T_WHITESPACE === $token [ 0 ]) {
if ( $ignoreSpace ) {
$ignoreSpace = false ;
// replace multiple new lines with a single newline
$rawChunk .= preg_replace ([ '/\n{2,}/S' ], "\n" , $token [ 1 ]);
} elseif ( \in_array ( $token [ 0 ], [ \T_COMMENT , \T_DOC_COMMENT ])) {
if (! \in_array ( $rawChunk [ \strlen ( $rawChunk ) - 1 ], [ ' ' , "\n" , "\r" , "\t" ], true )) {
$rawChunk .= ' ' ;
$ignoreSpace = true ;
} else {
$rawChunk .= $token [ 1 ];
// The PHP-open tag already has a new-line
if ( \T_OPEN_TAG === $token [ 0 ]) {
$ignoreSpace = true ;
} else {
$ignoreSpace = false ;
$output .= $rawChunk ;
unset( $tokens , $rawChunk );
gc_mem_caches ();
return $output ;
* @deprecated since Symfony 4.3
public function serialize ()
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'The "%s" method is deprecated since Symfony 4.3.' , __METHOD__ ), \E_USER_DEPRECATED );
return serialize ([ $this -> environment , $this -> debug ]);
* @deprecated since Symfony 4.3
public function unserialize ( $data )
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'The "%s" method is deprecated since Symfony 4.3.' , __METHOD__ ), \E_USER_DEPRECATED );
[ $environment , $debug ] = unserialize ( $data , [ 'allowed_classes' => false ]);
$this -> __construct ( $environment , $debug );
* @return array
public function __sleep ()
if ( __CLASS__ !== $c = (new \ReflectionMethod ( $this , 'serialize' ))-> getDeclaringClass ()-> name ) {
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'Implementing the "%s::serialize()" method is deprecated since Symfony 4.3.' , $c ), \E_USER_DEPRECATED );
$this -> serialized = $this -> serialize ();
return [ 'serialized' ];
return [ 'environment' , 'debug' ];
public function __wakeup ()
if ( \is_object ( $this -> environment ) || \is_object ( $this -> debug )) {
throw new \BadMethodCallException ( 'Cannot unserialize ' . __CLASS__ );
if ( __CLASS__ !== $c = (new \ReflectionMethod ( $this , 'serialize' ))-> getDeclaringClass ()-> name ) {
@ trigger_error ( sprintf ( 'Implementing the "%s::serialize()" method is deprecated since Symfony 4.3.' , $c ), \E_USER_DEPRECATED );
$this -> unserialize ( $this -> serialized );
unset( $this -> serialized );
$this -> __construct ( $this -> environment , $this -> debug );